
A & E Service prides itself on being transparent and validating its services. In accordance with the lone workers act our staff carry the latest GPRS touring system. Fitted with a panic and call back function button, our staff are in our care at all time and monitored from our control room 24 hours a day 7 days a week. We do not expect our customers to take our word for where our staff have been , you are given a PASSWORD and LOGIN NAME so you can also access the live feed of our staffs movement. This system validates all patrols carried out by our staff and can show when our cleaners have accessed certain areas.

Together in partnership with TAG Guard we now can also provide every element of electronic security and fire solutions. The systems used are completely wireless and is a cost effective way to provide security for any premises or site, backed up by our response vehicles. It can save customers up to 60% of the cost associated with static manned guarding without reducing the security on site.